One of the cannonical concepts is the network threshold. Network thresholds (Valente, 1995; 1996), \(\tau\), are defined as the required proportion or number of neighbors that leads you to adopt a particular behavior (innovation), \(a=1\). In (very) general terms
Where \(E_i\) is i’s exposure to the innovation and \(\mathbf{X}\) is the adjacency matrix (the network).
This can be generalized and extended to include covariates and other network weighting schemes (that’s what netdiffuseR is all about).
netdiffuseR is an R package that:
Is designed for Visualizing, Analyzing and Simulating network diffusion data (in general).
Depends on some pretty popular packages:
RcppArmadillo: So it’s fast,
Matrix: So it’s big,
statnet and igraph: So it’s not from scratch
Can handle big graphs, e.g., an adjacency matrix with more than 4 billion elements (PR for RcppArmadillo)
Already on CRAN with ~6,000 downloads since its first version, Feb 2016,
A lot of features to make it easy to read network (dynamic) data, making it a nice companion of other net packages.
netdiffuseR has the three classic Diffusion Network Datasets:
medInnovationsDiffNet Doctors and the innovation of Tetracycline (1955).
brfarmersDiffNet Brazilian farmers and the innovation of Hybrid Corn Seed (1966).
kfamilyDiffNet Korean women and Family Planning methods (1973).
# Dynamic network of class -diffnet-
# Name : Brazilian Farmers
# Behavior : Adoption of Hybrid Corn Seeds
# # of nodes : 692 (1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1007, 1009, 1010, 1020, ...)
# # of time periods : 21 (1946 - 1966)
# Type : directed
# Num of behaviors : 1
# Final prevalence : 1.00
# Static attributes : village, idold, age, liveout, visits, contact, coo... (146)
# Dynamic attributes : -
# Dynamic network of class -diffnet-
# Name : Medical Innovation
# Behavior : Adoption of Tetracycline
# # of nodes : 125 (1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, ...)
# # of time periods : 18 (1 - 18)
# Type : directed
# Num of behaviors : 1
# Final prevalence : 1.00
# Static attributes : city, detail, meet, coll, attend, proage, length, ... (58)
# Dynamic attributes : -
# Dynamic network of class -diffnet-
# Name : Korean Family Planning
# Behavior : Family Planning Methods
# # of nodes : 1047 (10002, 10003, 10005, 10007, 10010, 10011, 10012, 10014, ...)
# # of time periods : 11 (1 - 11)
# Type : directed
# Num of behaviors : 1
# Final prevalence : 1.00
# Static attributes : village, recno1, studno1, area1, id1, nmage1, nmag... (430)
# Dynamic attributes : -
# Dynamic network of class -diffnet-
# Name : A diffusion network
# Behavior : Random contagion
# # of nodes : 400 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ...)
# # of time periods : 6 (1 - 6)
# Type : directed
# Num of behaviors : 1
# Final prevalence : 0.95
# Static attributes : real_threshold (1)
# Dynamic attributes : -
Diffusion networks can visualized using many methods included in the package. Here are some of them:
plot_infectsuscep(x, K=2)
# Warning in plot_infectsuscep.list(graph$graph, graph$toa, t0, normalize, : When
# applying logscale some observations are missing.
Using the diffnet object in intro.rda, use the function plot_threshold specifying shapes and colors according to the variables ItrustMyFriends and Age. Do you see any pattern? (solution script and solution plot)